Bad credit can happen to anyone. How do they get their financial life back on track?
PREMIER Bankcard is a credit card company that specializes in the subprime market. It has a history of working with people who have low FICO scores and need to rebuild their credit. IPNY was hired to help develop a customer acquisition campaign that leveraged PREMIER Bankcard’s commitment to customer success. PREMIER Bankcard often says yes when other credit card companies say no, which differentiates it from the more impersonal big-bank credit card competition.
Consumer research led us to two key observations about subprime consumers: They’re no different from anyone else. They’ve just been through adverse circumstances and don’t like being talked down to. They mistrust banks and credit card companies which have turned them down and made them feel “unworthy.”
The “Second Chances” campaign is built on an insight that has strong appeal to our target: Showing your belief in Second Chances also means showing your belief in the ability of your customer to succeed. The work runs primarily in digital/social media, strikes an empathetic and non-judgmental tone and avoids stereotyped credit card language and imagery
This campaign is just hitting the market. Results to come.

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