As published in nyfadvertising.com
New York Festivals Advertising Awards has unveiled the 2020 Financial Category Executive Jury (formerly Midas).
This is the first year that the Midas Awards has merged with NYF’s Advertising Awards creating a new category group honoring campaigns that recognize all types of media used in financial services advertising and marketing. A prominent global panel will review all the shortlisted financial services entries selected by the international New York Festivals Grand Jury.
NYF’s Financial Category Executive Jury is comprised of a diverse group of founding officers, creative partners, and executive creative directors from global advertising agencies as well as internationally recognized experts in financial policy and communications. This elite group of award-winning creatives is well versed in financial advertising and will provide an even more comprehensive evaluation of the global creative work submitted.
Says Ellen Smyth, CEO, New York Festivals: “With Midas residing under the umbrella of New York Festivals Advertising Awards, there’s even more of an opportunity for the incredible work emanating from the financial services sphere to be center stage. The Midas Financial Category Executive Jury will assemble a world-class collection of award-worthy financial services work that represents flawless and expertly executed financial campaigns from around the globe.”
Says Scott Rose, executive director of New York Festivals Advertising Awards: “NYF is thrilled to have these stellar innovators from the world of financial advertising on board to judge entries into NYF’s inaugural Financial Category. Their deep understanding of the category as well as their years of industry expertise crafting award-winning financial services campaigns will result in ground-breaking entries within this genre being honored.”
2020 Financial Category Executive Jury to date:
Kaydee Bridges, Vice President, Digital Marketing & Social Media, Goldman Sachs USA
Augusto Correia, Senior Creative Art Director, Grey Brasil
Tom Cullinan, Founder & Creative Partner, Cullinan South Africa
Dana Cullinan, Founder & Creative Partner, Cullinan South Africa
Bruce Lee, Founding & Creative Partner, IPNY, Inc. USA
Crayon Hsieh, Head of UX, OnePlus Smartphone USA
Tahaab Rais, Regional Head of Strategy & Truth Central, FP7 MENAT UAE
Dylan Taylor, Creative Partner, Dylan Taylor Agency Australia
Alfred Wee, Creative Director, McCann Worldgroup Singapore
Additional Financial Category Executive Jury members will be announced in the coming weeks.
Entries into the 2020 NYF Advertising Awards competition will be judged by 400+ members of NYF’s executive jury, Financial Category executive jury, Film Craft executive jury and grand jury, a panel of prominent global creative minds, who collectively cast over 400,000 votes to select the World’s Best Advertising.
The final deadline to enter the 2020 New York Festivals Advertising Awards is March 2, 2020. For more information about NYF’s Financial Categories visit: HERE and to enter the 2020 competition please visit: HERE.