We beg to differ.

Where we encourage an independence of mind and
spirit on subjects of more than passing interest.
PM360. The Essential Resource for Pharma Marketers
  • Posted by Bruce Lee
February 9, 2024

As published in PM360 focus on marketing strategy 2024.

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Andy Semons
  • Posted by Andy Semons
April 14, 2023

Using neuroscience to motivate people and overcome biases to diverse communities.

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Bruce Lee, Founder, Partner, IPNY
  • Posted by Bruce Lee
March 6, 2021

IPNY’s Bruce Lee discusses his career in the creative field, as published in MM&M

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Tom Steadman
  • Posted by Tom Steadman
June 29, 2020

Q&A with Managing Director Tom Steadman as published in AdForum.com

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  • Posted by Bruce Lee
April 30, 2020

An interview with IPNY Chief Creative Partner Bruce Lee as published in AdForum.com

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Adforum Article_The Business of Persuasion
  • Posted by Bruce Lee
November 15, 2018

AdForum.com recently interviewed IPNY Founding Partner and Creative Director Bruce Lee

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Bruce Lee, copywriting, chief creative officer, advertising
  • Posted by Bruce Lee
October 18, 2018

AdForum.com recently interviewed IPNY Founding Partner and Creative Director Bruce Lee

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Adforum Article_What Women Need To Know About Success In Advertising
  • Posted by Jill McClabb
April 12, 2018

AdForum.com recently interviewed IPNY Founding Partner and Creative Director Jill McClabb as part of the Women in Advertising series

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